Each entrepreneur has once felt dizziness if all the operations are in different places. Sometimes, to make up a clear overview of how the business is going, you even turn a “Sherlock” on and gather all the information bit by bit.
Rather time-consuming, isn’t it? Let no routine stop you from reaching the highest peaks!
The system analyzes your behavioral patterns, what operations your perform, and what is your goal
AI learns your ways of performing the tasks and creates automation patterns
AI proposes to automate your routine actions and performs them, while learning on the process
Monitoring of workflows may be rather tricky, especially in large companies. Keep abreast of each business process within the company. Observe every change. Form automatic reports or get your auto reports created by the system.
Imagine professional Business Analysts work specifically for your business. Wouldn't it be awesome to have an in-house BA team aimed at particulary your case? Avanga is developed and continuously supported by ace Business Analysts to make your exact case succeed.
The system offers numerous scenarios related to various processes any company has in general and each business deals with in particular. These are ready-made solutions to be performed for you and by you. Select the most appropriate and enjoy the work without drilling.
Get minimum time spends with maximum opportunities. Have you already experienced frustration because of numerous integrations within your CRM? Enjoy our best solution - the absence of any integrations at all! Save your money. Spend your precious time on more valuable things.
We will provide you with a scalable system to help dealing with urgent work. Thus, you will be more focused on development rather than routine activities. Your particular business deserves having a personalised approach. Your particular company deserves getting only useful and needed instruments configured.